Monday, August 3, 2009

Random Question 3?

So, if Kenny from South Park dies every other day, and one day ke got squished between a tree and some bricks, and Stan was like (in a bored tone) "Oh my God, we killed Kenny." and Kyle was like "WE killed Kenny?" and Stan was like "We killed Kenny, we're bastards." and I was all "KENNY NOOOOOO*gasp*OOOOOOOOO!" and a shoe flew out of nowhere and hit Hitler, and you're regretting ever reading this, how many lovely bunches of coconuts does Kenny get in the afterlife, including finances and the V-chip?

Random Question 3?
V-chip really changed it all

Kenny from South Park gets a stubbed toe every third day, and one night he was found between a tree and some clouds, and Stan was like (in an excited tone) "Oh my Gosh, we kissed Kenny." and Kyle was like "WE squezzed Kenny?" and Stan was like "We hugged Kenny, we're very nice." and I was all "KENNY Yeeeeeeeeee*smile*ssssssssss!" and a spitwad flew out of nowhere and hit Maryann, and you're loving ever writing this, how many lovely bunches of coconuts does Kenny get in the afterlife, including benfits ?
Reply:when I don't understand a question I just say 11 so 11
Reply:square root of 35
Reply:ummmmmmmm... yeah. Hi how are you today? I am superfantastic, thanks for asking. Been nice chatting with you, gotta go now. Ba bye, ba bye now, ba bye. :)
Reply:i didn't think it was possible, but you truly are nuttier than i am:)
Reply:about 17
Reply:Prince in assless pants X(
Reply:The last time I checked it was 20,but that was in 1999


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