Friday, July 31, 2009

I want to write a book but don't know what people like, what do you want in a book + how does this piece sound

Shoes pounded the ground as the rain hit it with all its might. Lightning crackled in the night sky as clouds thundered and rumbled mightily. Fear was in the air. Water was forming puddles, lakes and rivers. The cracks in the path opened wider as if to make the runner fall. Fences from houses looked up menacingly as they passed while weeds and unwanted grass wound their way around the feet to stop the hurry.

The surrounding area looked unfamiliar. Houses loomed up into the dark casting shadows around the street lamps. The rain was pounding on the hidden body. Water was being thrown up into the eyes of the runner making it hard to see.

Tall wet weeds were creeping up around his ankles and left unwanted seeds stuck to the wet and dirty socks, causing his legs to begin to prick and itch. They were right behind him. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, they were going to catch him. Blood was swimming in his head, his knees started to throb. Where could he go? He needed help.

Every one is inside their nice warm houses eating hot soup by the fire, not daring to go outside and be the next victims. Dogs barked in their yards at the passing noise made from their shoes as they thumped along the wet road. Cats ran down the drains as he came closer and fruit bats flew from tree to tree watching with fearful eyes hidden in the dark.

Trees reach out into the darkness trying to grab him, trying to stop him. The footsteps behind him are becoming louder and louder. A dead end, no way out, there’s no where to go. Turning around they’re screaming at him, ordering him to drop to the floor. Houses stood still all around holding their breath in anticipation.

Frantically looking around he saw a narrow alleyway opening up into the night, leading to a dark place, the reserve. He’ll be able to escape here.

Head spinning, eyes prickling with tiredness he kept going. He almost tripped in a small rabbit hole. Got to get up, got to get away.

Shadows of night time walkers jumped out at him from out of the darkness causing him change direction. A stitch cut its way across the poor boy’s stomach making it hard to breath, making it hard to run. He had to stop, but his feet wouldn’t let him.

Air refused to go into his lungs; it just went straight passed him. Slowing down he could hear them coming closer and closer.

He ran straight and hard, through a park and into an alleyway at the back which was formed by peoples back fences. It was almost pitch black in the alleyway, shadows of trees and bushes showed them selves as they hung fearlessly and with a sense of boredom watching the case continue.

I want to write a book but don't know what people like, what do you want in a book + how does this piece sound
I tend to go for fantasy or science fiction, but the general Populace prefers horror and action. The piece is excellent, by the way!
Reply:This piece is excellent, I love horror, and anything with murder mystery.

If there's a gory scene, it makes it better :).x
Reply:Well I don't know what people like but I adore fiction, and I want action mayb romance, and ur piece is I wanna know what happens to the boy...


Weathering or erosion?

Please Answer As Many As You know and tell what type like oxidation thanks!!!

1.Rusted Ice Skates

2.Worn Away Rock

3.Worn Away Jeans

4.Worn Away Bark From Tree

5.Crack In Foundation

6.Worn Away Shoes

7.Crack In Garage

Weathering or erosion?
1.Rusted Ice Skates - Iron becoming Iron Oxide, Oxidization

2.Worn Away Rock - Granular Disintigration (or weathering)

3.Worn Away Jeans - (Chemical) Abrasion

4.Worn Away Bark From Tree Weathering

5.Crack In Foundation - Subsidance, its not really erosion or weather

6.Worn Away Shoes - Abrasion

7.Crack In Garage - Freeze - thaw weathering (one cause)

btw weathering is a type of erosion .

Hope it helped :)
Reply:1.Rusted Ice Skates-Metal rusts when wet-Weathering

2.Worn Away Rock-Erosion

3.Worn Away Jeans- washed to many times-old -erosion

4.Worn Away Bark From Tree-Erosion

5.Crack In Foundation-the ground settling- Erosion

6.Worn Away Shoes-concrete wears down shoes-Friction

7.Crack In Garage-Same as #5
Reply:Abrasion is not chemical unless it is done with a chemical. In the case of jeans it would be physical.

Weathering is the breakdown of rocks, soils and minerals by physical or chemical means.

Erosion is the movement and displacement of weathered particles.

They are NOT the same.

skin tags

Know any hilarious/amusing/funny youtube videos???

i already know the following vids:

charlie the unicorn

charlie the unicorn 2

the shoes video (and anything by those people)

charlie bit me

happy tree friends

my hands are bananas

potter's puppet pals

if you know anything else, i would totally appreciate it!

thanks guys!


Know any hilarious/amusing/funny youtube videos???
look up "do you like waffles" and you will laugh forever
Reply:Here is a list of Will Ferrell's funniest videos on YouTube.

That guy is always funny.
Reply:Scary Maze Prank (original)

I don't know if you find it funny but I laughed and felt sorry for the little boy at the same time.
Reply:da beast clipz ,1,2and,3 crank dat harry potter and teletubies acidental porn


Christmas questions (for France)?

ok so my French teacher says that people in France

-they plant their trees in their backyard after using them for Christmas.

-they put out shoes instead of stockings.

I'm not trying to prove her wrong. Just wanting to see if she is correct.


-Marie-Christine. (my french name.)

Christmas questions (for France)?
I don't know the answer to the planting of the Christmas tree, except that apt. dwellers probably just toss the trees. Though gifts are given in France, it is on a much smaller scale that in the US and many times, it's mom and dad buying toys for the kids. The presents are wrapped up in Christmas paper and placed under the tree and opened on Christmas a.m. French ppl also tend to send Christmas cards only to close friends and relatives. The cards are usually sold individually and seldom seen are those big boxes of cards like in the US and Britain. Christmas dessert is usually not pudding (like in the UK) or pumpkin pie (US)-- rather a delicious yule log cake often filled with truffle like or hazelnut filling and with whipped cream or frosting on the outside. Reindeer and/or elf figures are often placed on top of the cake. I think that the putting out of shoes is more associated with St. Nicholas Day rather than Christmas Day.
Reply:I don't know. May be true :)

wish you had a wonderful christmas and a happy new year.

skin rash

Which is your favorite quote from these??

ur lik a happy meal... and greazy


I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer.

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"

- John Lennon quotes

a guy gave a girl 12 roses and said "im gonna love you till the last one dies"

later on ..all of the roses died EXCEPT ONE becuase it was FAKE .....

devorce: from the latin word meaning "to rip a man's heart out through his wallet

the problem is that God gives men a brain and a ****, and only enough blood to run one at a time.”

Join the Army! Travel to exotic, distant lands. Meet exciting, unusual people, and kill them

Somewhere there's someone who dreams about your smile, and finds in your presence life is worth while so when you are lonely remember its true someone somewhere is thinking of you.

Its the best feeling in the world when you say hi to me or smile at me cause i know for a second i crossed your mind.

today if a smile comes to you and its one you cant explain it's because i thought of you and smiled just the same.

the heart has its reasons which the reason knows not of

one who asks a question is a fool for five minutes, one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever

countious doesn't stop you from doing bad things, it prevents you from enjoying them

love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but brushing them enough not to

don't cry because its over, smile because it happened

My only wish now is to die peacefuly in my as I won't be called weak if people knew I did suicide.

"Love Can Sometimes Be Magic, But Magic Can Sometimes Just Be An Illusion"

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

The world is going to give us a million reasons why this isn't going to work, but we only need one good reason why it will.

I miss you my love but my aim is improving.

When life gives you lemons,make grape juice,then sit back and let the world wonder how you did it

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you are a mile away from them, and you have their shoes

Needing someone is like needing a parachute, If he isn't there the first time you need him, chances are you won't be needing him again

The silent hears more, the blind see all, the gentle are the most dangerous

Girls are like apple trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree, but the boys don't want to reach for the ones at the top because they're afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they grab the rotten ones at the bottom. They aren't as good.. but they're easier to get. So the apples at the top think there's something wrong with them. But in reality.. they're amazing. They just have to be patient and wait for the right guy who will take the time to get a ladder and find a good apple

They say that age is all in your mind. The trick is keeping it from creeping down into your body.

If you like me, I'll relish you. If you love me, I'll treasure you. If you hurt me, I'll DESTROY you.

A cause is not worth dying for. You only get one life, but you can pick up another five causes on any street corner.

If you don't understand my silence, you can't understand my words.

The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.” –Moulin Rouge


You know you are in love

when you see the world in her eyes,

and her eyes everywhere in the world.

Love is not blind - It sees more and not less,

but because it sees more it is willing to see less.

Which is your favorite quote from these??
Wow these are unbelivable and inspring I read all of them and they are all my favorite lol but the couple I realy love and think are RELY inspiring are these 1's: If you like me, I'll relish you. If you love me, I'll treasure you. If you hurt me, I'll DESTROY you.

The world is going to give us a million reasons why this isn't going to work, but we only need one good reason why it will.

a guy gave a girl 12 roses and said "im gonna love you till the last one dies"

later on ..all of the roses died EXCEPT ONE becuase it was FAKE....

If you don't understand my silence, you can't understand my words.

don't cry because its over, smile because it happened

These feel so inspiring did you right these they are amazing WOW!
Reply:I didn't read them all but I liked this one

"don't cry because its over, smile because it happened"
Reply:the second 1
Reply:Wow you wrote a book and I don't read books!
Reply:"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"

its capital A awsome
Reply:I cannot believe I read all of that...but I like the one "A good friend would bail you out of jail..." Wouldn't you know it would be the one at the bottom of your list. But thanks for that quote. I added it to my collection...
Reply:May I add one?

"Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men.

Though the world stood and stopped the B*astard,

The B*tch that bore him is in heat again."

This is so true nowadays the way world politics are going, especially the terrorists.
Reply:In an operation of this magnitude there are bound to be loses. George Armstrong Custer

And me.
Reply:wow there great
Reply:OMG girl I aint reading all that
Reply:WOOOW!!!that took me a while to finish BUT i loved this one "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you are a mile away from them, and you have their shoes" VERYY KKUTE :]


Stupid Jokes I`ve Heards!?

what happens when you cross a singer and a rocking chair? -- you rock to the beat.

how do you mend a broken jack o lantern? -- with a pumpkin patch.

what do you call a lease of false teeth? -- a dental rental

Where did the kittens go on the class trip -- to the meow-seum.

What goes tick-tock, woof-woof? -- a watchdog

What did the art dealer say when a mann asked what a picture was supposed to be? -- a reflection of you.

what did the girl sea say when the boy sea asked her for a date? -- shore

What falls down but never gets hurt -- snow

What kind of brush do you use to comb a bee's hair? -- a honey comb

How do you get a peanut to laugh? -- you crack it up

Who greets you at a haunted house? -- a host ghost

Why did the farmer bury all his money? -- to make his soil rich

Where can you find an ocean without water? -- on a map

What do you call a horse that likes arts %26amp; crafts? -- a hobby horse

Why do shoemakers go to heaven? Because they have good soles

What do you call an avid gardener? -- herb

If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does chicken come from? -- a poul-tree

What do you get when you cross a grape with a lion? -- a grape nobody picks on

What did the tree say to the mountain? -- stop peaking at me

What are sailors' favorite fruits? -- naval oranges

Where does a penguin keep his money? -- in a snow bank

What did the boy chip say to the girl chip (crisp for the brits)? -- Lets dance and I'll dip you

Why do bees have sticky hair -- they use honeycombs

Why did the reporter go into the icecream shop? -- he wanted to get the


Why was it hard for the geometry teacher to walk? -- she broke her angle

What do you call a monkey who loves potato chips? -- a chipmonk

What kind of trees sew? -- pine trees, they always have needles around

What did the plate say to the other plate? -- lunch is on me.

What did the man say whin the picture fell on his head? -- I've been framed

did you hear about the mummies who went to the theater? -- They gave the actors stage fright

How do you turn soup into gold? -- add 24 carrots (karats)

What do sneezes wear on their feet? -- ahh-shoes

What do wolves say when they are introduced? -- howl do you do.

What does a car run on? -- wheels

What did the sink say to the water faucet? -- you're a real drip

where do pigs park ther cars? -- in a porking lot

Why did the banana leave the cinema-the film didn't appeal to him

Why did the little cookie (biscut) cry? -- because his mother was a wafer so long

What do you call a hot dog in a bun? -- an in betweenie weenie

Why did the rabbit eat lunch under the sink -- He found a leek there

How do you make a witch itch? -- take away her W

What do you call two guys fighting over a prostitute? -- tug of whore

*ok, so that was mine. Just threw it in to see if you were paying attention*

What do you call a crab who plays baseball -- a pinch-hitter

What is the clumsiest bee? -- a bumbling bee

What kind of bean can't grow? -- a jelly bean

Whats green and fluffy and comes from mars -- a martian mellow

how does a man on the moon get his hair cut? -- eclipse it

What do you do when you have no rubber bands? -- find a plastic orchestra

-- -- -- -- and some old favorites -- -- -- -- -- -

What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence? -- time to get a new fence

What is green, red, and runs 100 mph? -- a frog in a blender

What is yellow, has wheels and lies on its back? -- a dead school bus

Why did the man throw his margarine? -- he wanted to see the butter fly

What did the finger say to the thumb? -- I'm in glove with you (heather's favorite)

whats brown and sticky? -- a stick

whats red and not there -- no tomatoes

Whats white and flies through the sky? -- the coming of the lord

What do you get when you cross a turkey with a penguin? -- a very cross penguin

Stupid Jokes I`ve Heards!?
Hear about the guy who lost his whole left side in a car accident?




He's all right now.

i liked "Why did the reporter go into the icecream shop? -- he wanted to get the scoop!!!"

Reply:Very gooo

Sorry I dozed off



State : Neither Samaritan Nor Solomon ?? Mises?

If you say that government is too big and truly overweening, you elicit a surprising degree of agreement among people, even mainstream columnists, economists, and nearly everyone. Even government employees, who famously resent their bosses, might be quick to agree. If you hang outside the offices of the IRS in Washington, D.C., in the park at noontime where its employees take their lunch, you will get an earful of vitriol against the bureaucracy such as you wouldn't hear outside 1990s militia circles.

Incidentally, the government is having a terrible time recruiting employees. Only 16% of college-educated workers say that they are interested in a government job. Among those without a college degree, there is twice the level of interest. Among people currently employed, those with managerial or professional occupations show a low interest level of 17%.

Among those who want work to be challenging and enjoyable, only 9% thought a government job qualified. And, interestingly, among those who say they want to make a contribution to society, 90% said that non-government work in the private sector, whether for profit or non-profit, is the way to go.

Now, what this means is that the smart set avoids government. Government work might still be attractive to people with fewer economic opportunities, but they are entering it for reasons that are not ideological. And for that reason too, they are less loyal to the public sector and glad to bail out if something else comes available.

Most people view this as a very bad trend. I would only say that it is a significant trend, especially considering that in the heyday of government central planning, government sought to attract the best and the brightest. Often it did. Now, one might argue that if government were doing what it should be doing, this would be a good thing. But if government is doing many bad things, it is certainly not a bad trend for it to experience a brain drain.

It is always a tragedy to see smart and entrepreneurial men and women be attracted away from productive employment in the private sector toward a position of power in the public sector. It makes us poorer to have the talents drained away from wealth creation toward wealth destruction. As for the very few good people in politics — Ron Paul is the great exception that proves the rule — they are true public servants only insofar as they work to diminish government power rather than increase it.

So long as government is large and overweening, we are better off with a public sector that cannot attract the best and brightest. They should stay put where they can continue to expand the range of goods and services offered within the market framework. It is the market that provides us the means necessary to improve our standard of living, and the tools we need to maintain some degree of independence from the state.

We often rail against incompetence in government. But before we go too far with this language, we need to consider that competence in government may be a far worse fate. We don't need genuinely competent antitrust enforcers, drug and food regulators, tax collectors, money manipulators, labor-law interventionists, gun grabbers, and environmental police. As H.L. Mencken said, we should be thankful that we don't get all the government we pay for.

To be sure, we are paying far more today for government than ever before. Consider the real annual growth rate of total government outlays by presidents. Under Nixon, it was 3%. Under Carter, it was 4.1%. Under Reagan, 2.6%. Under Bush's dad, 1.9%, a figuring owing to the cuts in military spending. Domestic spending soared. Under Clinton, whom we all denounced as a socialist, it was 1.5%, the lowest rate in the postwar period. And under the present Bush, who promised less government? The real annual growth rate of total government outlays has been 5%, which compares to Johnson-era spending.

The old rationales for government growth may have been discredited in the public mind. But they are alive in Washington, among the special interest groups, and among the media. I would like to identify the main ones.

Rationale Number One: The Good Samaritan State. In this view of government, the state should act like the third person to come upon the poor man who had been beaten and robbed. They imagine a population that is divided among three types of people: victims, victimizers, and those who refuse to help.

The victim classes we know all too well, because the litany is said again and again within the structure of labor law: the elderly, the very young, ethnic and racial minorities, religious minorities, sexual minorities, the physically and mentally disabled, workers, the underpaid, people in rural areas, those who deal with urban overcrowding, people who breathe dirty air or eat chemically produced products, artists, the manufacturing industry, people with peanut allergies, the dyslexic, short people, fat people, the leisure deprived, and I've probably left out a hundred or so other groups.

Among the victimizers, we similarly have a list: capitalists, racial and ethnic majorities, sexual majorities, the overpaid, managers and CEOs, people who live in gated communities, the well armed, consumers of cell phones, owners of mines, anyone living off a trust fund, fully abled men, and anyone who resents social managers telling them what to do.

In the view of those who advocate the Samaritan State, these two classes of victims and victimizers are constantly at war. There is nothing but conflict between them. The loss of one is the gain of the other. These categories are fixed and unchanging. The lack of harmony of interests is built into the structure of the social and economic world. The remedy requires an institution that is relentlessly engaged in reweighing the power relationships between the two groups. The conflict cannot be finally ended, but justice requires that the victims are given an unending stream of compensation and that the victimizers are treated with disdain and punished for their very existence. Social justice thus requires that victimizers are reduced, disabled, denounced, and spat upon, while the victims must be exalted, fed, clothed, funded, and made whole.

This is how the Left, broadly speaking, thinks the world works, and should work. It doesn't matter whether one considers oneself a hard Marxist or a soft social democrat, the intellectual tie that binds them together is the view that conflict and not cooperation characterizes the work of society in the absence of an institution dedicated to bringing about social justice.

The institutional answer is, of course, the state. The state is the Samaritan who lifts up and exalts the meek, and smites the proud and powerful who would otherwise walk right past the poor person on the street, who is the very archetype of the victim in the leftist view of how the world works.

But there are many things wrong with this view of society. In the parable, the victim was beaten and robbed. He was exploited only in a very narrow and old-fashioned sense: his person and property were violated. These are crimes against libertarian ethics, a system of thought that mirrors what every religious and ethical system has taught: do not kill and do not steal. In other words, he was not a victim of some hazy notion of Social Injustice.

He was not discriminated against, exploited by an employer, made to work long hours, or denied a comfy living in his old age. There is a huge difference between being beaten and robbed, and having to pay high prices for prescription drugs. The great error of the Left is its inability to distinguish the injustice of violence from the supposed injustice of inequality of material condition.

As for the Samaritan, he was not acting as an agent of the regime. He used his own money to help the victim. He got him back on his feet and paid his bills at the private clinic where he was deposited for care. The Samaritan did not rob someone else to give money to the man on the street. He presumably got his money justly by hard work and investment. He had no desire to keep the man dependent, nor to exercise power over him, tax him, regulate him, nor send him to war.

The state is something very different. It has no income but that which it robs from someone else. It seeks its own gain at others' expense. It protects itself and promotes itself before the interests of everyone else. It is beholden to special interests who create and control its regulatory apparatus. It is not impartial. It sides with its friends over its enemies. Moreover, the state is an exploiter, a murderer, a violator of human rights.

The typical response of the Left is to say that they want a state that does only good things such as share and care, and not bad things such as steal and kill. But this cannot be. We might as well wish for a lion that only purrs and cuddles, or a rattlesnake that only provides percussion accompaniment to mariachi music. The very nature of the state is that it exists only through and for compulsion. To imagine otherwise is not to face reality.

Rationale Number Two: The Solomonic State. In the Bible we are told that King Solomon had "understanding exceeding much and largeness of heart, even as the sand that [is] on the sea shore." And his "wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt." He was "wiser than all men" and "his fame was in all nations round about." He spoke "three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five." He "spake of trees, from the cedar tree that [is] in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom."

Now, I'm not here to dispute the Bible's account of Solomon's wisdom. But let us also recall that Solomon's rule later became close to tyrannical. His son Rehoboam inherited his power, and when the people begged for relief from Solomon's "heavy yoke," and instigated a full-scale crackdown: "My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions."

To be wise and prudent is not characteristics of rulers. In fact, it is very dangerous to hope that they may be. If we set out to find such a person, and have fantastic power available to him when we believe he has arrived, we have set up the framework for tyranny. The founders knew that no man can be trusted with power. They attempted to construct a system that presumed that men were corruptible, and that there would be some means to dislodge them when their corruption showed.

Still, today many people long for the Solomonic State as a means of dispensing justice. Unlike the Samaritan model, the goal here is not charity but the just wielding of the sword on behalf of the right and true. Thus should we seek out righteous men of learning and moral character who know what evil is and have the courage to stand up to it and destroy it. This model is what inspires this mentality.

There are many problems with this model. One man might be very wise, even the wisest of all men. But as F.A. Hayek might remind us, all the accumulated knowledge in the head of one person is still infinitesimal as compared with the wisdom that emerges through social cooperation on the marketplace. We can consider the price of any good on the market as it stands right now, and know that this one price results from the accumulated decisions of millions of people across thousands and thousands of sectors of economic activity spread throughout the world. The knowledge is dispersed in a million directions and results from small decisions and actions by economic actors. But the result is a single indicator that assists in allocating resources better than any single mind could ever do.

The model of the Solomonic State also imagines that somehow the social order we see around us cannot possibly have come about without a single will operating in society, some firm hand that has designed the order and keeps it running smoothly. People who think this way imagine that in the absence of this firm hand, there would be nothing but a Hobbesian state of nature, where society is a war of all against all and life is nasty, brutish, and short.

Our age is notably lacking in the likes of Solomon, and so those who fear the Hobbesian state of nature turn to the managerial state to act wisely in the interest of justice and order, at home and abroad. They might not always like what the rulers do, but they consider the alternative to despotism more fearsome. They warn about the dread results of anarchism and liberty, where people senselessly kill and rob without consequence. They fear this liberty more than they fear the abuses of power.

This, I submit, is the mentality of many conservatives and many on the Right. We see it in the affections they have for Bush, the Patriot Act, the war on terror, and how quickly people fall for any leader who uses Manichean rhetoric in defense of the latest nationalistic crusade.

What these people need more than anything else is a familiarity with the insights of the old liberal tradition as represented by Jefferson, Bastiat, Mises, Hayek, and Rothbard. They need to come to see how order is not the mother of liberty but its daughter. They need to see how society is harmonious not because of the state but because of the prevalence of human cooperation in the marketplace, where people work to trade to their own mutual betterment.

People who fail to understand this become the unwitting servants of tyranny, particularly in the modern age when it is so obviously not wise but stupid and violent and presumptuous. They imagine that the state can posses godlike powers and bring justice and order, but they end up only empowering the worst elements in society, bringing injustice, and chaos.

Now, you might say that the old liberal view of society is naïve. It might be in people's interest to learn to trade rather than steal but we live in a fallen world. If not for some overarching controlling force, people would loot each other unrelentingly and kill for fun. Now, to this I can say that it is true that some societies have not learned to make trading and peace significantly more prevalent than violence and killing. History is strewn with examples.

The question we have to ask ourselves is whether a society that fails to learn the art of civilization will erect and sustain a state that will impose civilization on the people. I submit that history also teaches that when a people are brutal and uncivilized, the state is even more so. The state is rarely and maybe never better than the people it rules; in fact, it is almost always worse.

Rationale Number Three: Log-Rolling. Given these two very different conceptions of the state, one favoring the welfare state and the other favoring a warfare state, why don't the visions cancel each other out? So intense is the desire of one group to have the state that it wants that it is willing to put up with another group's desire for its conception of the state. The two conceptions decide to cooperate and erect a state that purports to behave both like Solomon and like the Samaritan. That is the origin of the guns-and-butter state, or the welfare-warfare state, or the modern state as we know it, one that purports to meet every need.

We see how this log-rolling works every day on Capitol Hill. One group wants more money for tanks and weaponry, and the other wants more for Medicaid and education. If both agree that politics is the art of compromise, they will put up with the other group's priorities in order that their own vision can be fulfilled.

On the Right, we find that the love for the police power is more intense than the hatred of redistribution. On the Left, we find that the love of redistribution is more intense than the hatred of war and leviathan. They therefore work together to erect a massive and ever-growing executive. They are similarly unwilling to oppose the state in total. They fear that in doing so, the state as an institution will be discredited, and their conception of what the state should do along with it. Neither side particularly loves big government but both sides agree that it is better than the alternative of letting people alone. So they log-roll to support the public sector above all else, even when it means that they must sleep with their ostensible political enemies.

Rationale Number Four: The Inflationary State. Now we come to the reason this system is able to perpetuate itself. And there is something of a mystery to explain here. No people anywhere will put up with a leviathan that grows and grows forever. At some point, the problem of funding state expansion will result in too much violence against property, and the people will revolt. Indeed, if the federal government had to collect all its revenue through a tax of any kind, leveled right now against the public, I submit to you that it would spark a tax revolt on a scale never before seen in modern history.

Thus do we have the central bank to create money for the state. Thus do we have paper money that can be created in unlimited quantities. Thus do we have deposit insurance to make banks failure proof, so that the masses will never doubt that the credit pyramid is immortal. Thus do we have the Fed's power to manipulate interest rates and control the flow of credit to the system.

An economist at Lehman Brothers sent us an interesting chart the other day. It compares the level of price increases across many Fed regimes. Under the first Fed governor Charles Hamlin, the dollar declined 8% in value. Under Thomas B. McCabe from the late forties, it declined 7.2%. Under Arthur Burns, wholly owned by Nixon, the dollar declined 42% in value. Under Volcker, Mr. Tight Money, it fell 40%. And under Greenspan, who has a reputation as a great inflation fighter, the value of the dollar in terms of goods and services fell fully 44%!

Inflation serves the cause of the state by giving it room to run up debts without limit and fund its activities without making the people cough up more revenue. Indeed, that is the primary purpose of the inflationary state. People often say to me that a gold standard is impractical. In fact, that is not the case. It is very practical. It is the free-market answer. The state doesn't need to produce money any more than it needs to produce shoes or shirts or clocks. The problem is that we lack the political will to stop the inflation monster.

Rationale Number Five: The Propaganda State. In every society control of educational institutions increases in tandem with the rise of the state. This is because the state needs these institutions to inculcate the civic religion of loving the public enterprise, and also because the less people know about the idea of liberty the more the state is provided the room to grow.

Consider the Department of Education. Ever since its creation, every Republican administration has come to power with an intention to abolish it. But once they get in power, they find that bureaucracy has its uses. Instead of cutting or abolishing it, they increase the agency and give it more to do. The more the state does, the more the state sees the need to control public opinion by controlling the schools.

Now, there is a point of optimism here. If any state could rule without propaganda, it would surely do so. Why then do states find educational control and the propagation of the civic religion in their interest? Because at some level, every state, in all times and places, is required to seek the tacit consent of those it governs. No state can control a society by use of the sword only and alone. It must also seek some degree of ideological conformity with its own goals. Otherwise its rule becomes threatened and destabilized.

The other side of the coin is that states can indeed be destabilized by the ultimate counterrevolutionary tactic of providing alternative sources of education. As Mises said, all of history is a battle of ideas. Where the ideas of freedom are triumphant, liberty prevails. Where the ideas of freedom are buried and suppressed, despotism prevails.

Our pathway is clear. It is a choice of the Mises Institute not to mix in the mire of a political system that is wholly owned or attempt to seek favor from influential opinion makers. Our path is one of education, pursued with high-minded ideals, advanced using the most modern methods, and animated by the spirit of guerilla warfare. There are Misesians and Rothbardians strewn throughout the academic world, financial and banking houses, law firms, and in every walk of life, not only in this country but all over the world.

We have worked for nearly a quarter of a century on a very radical project of advancing economic science and logic. We have pushed to keep the fire of freedom burning brightly. We have sought to teach anyone and everyone about the workings and benefits of liberty. We have come under pressure from left, right, and center. Yet the attention given to this body of ideas grows by the day.

We can prevail against the Propaganda State. So long as we are free to do so and have the means available, we will continue to do so. This is our weapon against power. It is the most effective weapon anyone could ever possess. If we win this victory, we win all others.

We thank you for supporting education for liberty, and for being part of the revolutionary vanguard that sees through the errors of our day and imagines a brighter future of freedom, private property, and peace. : Mises Institute

State : Neither Samaritan Nor Solomon ?? Mises?
Your question is too long. Learn to be succinct.


Help! My Boyfriend Is Stuck?

There was a girl was riding in a car with her boyfriend. She got bored and said "Every time you speed up 5MPH I'll take some clothes off."

Well, this went on for about 15 minutes until she was naked and he was going about 95MPH. They lost control of the car and crashed into a tree.

The guy was hurt pretty badly and his car door was crushed to the point where he couldn't open it. His naked girlfriend was fine and could get out of the car.

So, she took her boyfriend's shoe and put it in front of her crotch and covered her chest with her arm. She flagged down a car. Without thinking she said "HELP MY BOYFRIEND IS STUCK AND HE CAN'T GET OUT!!"

The guy in the car looked at the shoe on her crotch and his eyes got really big. He said "If he is that far in, he's not coming out!"

Help! My Boyfriend Is Stuck?
omg thats so funny!!!! lol =D
Reply:whoever's joke this is i laughed until i cried...thanks that was hilarious!
Reply:HaHaHa. If the Boyfriend Dies in that car, he'll die happy. Well...More aroused than happy
Reply:Lol. Nice pretty good.
Reply:That's good! That's very good. I laughed pretty hard.
Reply:that is hilarious thanks is it OK if I tell by friends it was so funny I would give you 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000...

stars but I can't so I gave you!=D
Reply:guys screaming in the car . copper says look feller you're girl friend has gone through the windscreen and is 100 yds down the road, and shes making a lot less noise sat there than you are, the guy said look in her mouth
Reply:that's funny
Reply:very bloody funny girlfriend!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Mummbles wake up! Thanks for the laugh! good start to my day. xo
Reply:lol wow. I love it



My lady quit cutting her toenails a while back and she's torn up all the bed sheets with them now. Her nails are starting to cut through the ends of her shoes now, and my legs are all torn up from sleeping with her. I can't decide how to approach her about cutting them back.

The neighborhood kids aren't helping any by coming to the door every day asking her to help get their kites, toys etc... out of the trees. ( I think they get a kick out of how fast she can run up a tree with those claws she's grown.)

Okay , maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but you get the idea?

What can I do?

Reply:just tell her, you'll both laugh about it and move on. and if she wants it long, manicure it.
Reply:Say "honey, can you please, please cut your toenails? there starting to get a little to long."
Reply:why don't u cut them for her well watching TV take her food and start rubbing it and ask her if u can cut them for her or buy her a pedicure gift certificate that might work good luck
Reply:why she doesnt wanna cut them anyway??

But u can try to cut the by yourself when she sleeps and if she wakes up tell her that she just cut ur leg and u dont wanna do this anymore...maybe that will try
Reply:Tell her that you hate them and they make you mad. She will probably feel bad and do it herself.
Reply:That's just weird.
Reply:pay for her manicure
Reply:do it for her
Reply:I would think having toenails that long would be painful for her, maybe you can treat her to a pedicure, maybe you can just ask her to cut them, tell her she is gonna have to sleep on the couch if she doesn't do something.

Might want to ask her why she is growing them so long too.
Reply:I agree with the spa-day idea
Reply:be honest, ask her to cut them down, because your are

getting scratches all over your legs from them. if that doesn't

work, sleep in another room until she does.
Reply:brake up with her unless she starts cutting those toenails it is terrible wut she does 2 u u shouldnt take it xox email me
Reply:Easy: Get her a gift certificate for a pedicure.

maintenance repairs

Hm..... Is it good?

I’m 13 yrs old and this is the first chpter of my book.

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was peeking from the horizon, painting the sky with wonderful warm hues. The spring air was fresh, and the green grass was damp from the glistening morning dew. The earth slowly awakened from its peaceful night, stretching it's arms known as trees and yawning, creating a light breeze. Jake Clemons was always up in time to watch the breathtaking sunrise. He'd be up before the rooster crowed, or anyone else in fact.

He got dressed quickly to watch the sunrise. He had to be quiet as he put on his red shirt ad blue jeans. He tiptoed down the hallway, and he passed Jamie’s room. Jamie was his 7 year old sister. She was snoring away like a cute little angel.

After he passed everyone’s rooms, he hurried down the stairs and out the door. He dashed towards the huge barn. He felt the dampness of the grass seep into his shoes as he was running. He then ran through the dry hay and to the silver ladder leading up to the loft. He couldn’t afford to miss even a minute of the sunrise. Jake climbed up the ladder and then he crawled towards the loft window and opened it. He sprawled out on the hay and gazed at the sunrise.

Watching the sunrise was a good time for Jake to think, and get his thoughts together. It was his only moment of peace during the day. He couldn’t possibly think in the day with all the commotion from his little sister, and all the work that had to be done, there was just no time.

“Cock-o-doodle-doo!” the rooster cried. It was time to get back to the house and cook breakfast. Jake usually made breakfast because everyone was just waking up at the sound of the rooster.

This morning he cooked scrambled eggs, toast, and he heated up some leftover sausage from the morning before. Everyone got seated at the table, yawing and barley awake. Jake was the only one wide-eyed an alert. The breakfast was a very was delightful meal and got the day started off.

Jake’s parents usually watched the news right after breakfast, and then they get ready for work. Apparently they left it on, because Jaime was watching it when they got done watching it. He flipped the switch to turn the TV off.

“Hey!” Jaime whined.

“Jaime, you shouldn’t be watchin’ this stuff. It gives you nightmares.” Jake had already gone through experience. A few weeks ago they were watching the news and it was talking about another guy who escaped from the county jail near Chester. Jaime couldn’t go to sleep that night because she thought he would come and get her while she was sleeping.

“Fine,” she scoffed as she stomped out of the room angrily. As soon as she left the room, he turned it back on.

“There is currently a prison escapee on the loose. He stole the security guard’s keys and escaped. He goes by the name of Greg Richards.”

It showed a picture of the escapee. He had a brown buzz cut, a goatee, and his ear pierced. He had a tan, and he appeared to be in about his late 20’s. The news anchor continued with the story, “He was last seen driving a black Dodge Ram. If you have any information about this man, please call the police.”

“Jake, turn that off. You’ll probably have nightmares just like Jaime.” His mother was always comparing him to Jaime like that.

“Yes ma’am.” Jake pushed the ‘OFF’ button.

His parents left for work about eight and they usually got home about 5:00. His mom was the manager at grocery store and his dad worked at the local bank.

There was nothing to do at the house, so Jaime asked Jake if he could play a game with her. He didn’t mind, but she wanted to play some of the stupidest games.

“Okay Jaime, what do ya wanna play?” Jake asked reluctantly.

“Let’s play hide and go seek!” Jaime shouted. Jake never argued against having to play hide and go seek. It was one of his favorite games. He usually let Jaime hide otherwise she would whine and cry.

They ended up playing hide and seek for hours. His parents finally arrived home, so now he could go do something instead of playing with Jaime all day.

Jake figured he’d ride is bike. It was in terrible condition with worn out tires, red and rusted paint job, and the seat torn up. But he didn’t care. It was his only option to get away from the world. It made him feel free. He rode it everywhere around town. Of course the town was small enough to see everything in less than an hour on a bicycle.

The town was called Chester. It’s a population of about 1200 people. Chester has a bunch of old buildings from a long time ago. But most of those are abandoned. People just had a hard time keeping business in Chester. A whole bunch of people moved, which caused a lot of businesses to move, also.

His brown hair was waving in the wind. As he was riding his bike, he heard some bells from a distance. Not like the bells you hear at Christmas time, but big bells. They made such a noise that the whole town could hear them. Maybe even the whole county.

He decided to check and see where the bells were coming from. He followed the sound of the bells. It took about 2 minutes to get to where they were. They were coming from some large brick building with a white steeple. At the top of the steeple, there was a small cross. What kind of building has bells, and a steeple with a cross? He wondered. He decided to take a look inside.

He walked down the aisle of red carpet. There were people sitting in long stretched pews. Everyone was dressed nice and elegant. He felt like an outcast with the raggedy clothes he had on.

“Excuse me, young man. Why are you wearing such clothes?” an older woman asked him. He tried to speak but words wouldn’t budge. He was embarrassed.

“Young man?” she said.

As he ran to the back of the room, a man spoke. Jake turned around and saw a tall man in the front of the room. He looked to be in his 30’s, and he was wearing a white robe with a green stripe down the middle.

“Thank you everyone for being here tonight,” he said speaking through a microphone.

“I am the new preacher. My name is Dan Miller. I have recently moved here from Alabama, with my daughter, Carley, and my wife, Joyce,” he stated gesturing to his family in the front row.

Carley had shoulder length brown hair with the most amazing blue

eyes Jake had ever seen. She looked nothing like her mom, Joyce, who had green eyes and blonde hair.

Jake figured he would stay and listen what Dan had to say. He didn’t have to be home until 8 and it was only 6:45. He went and got seated in the last pew. He paid attention to this preacher as he spoke. Jake pulled out a notebook and pen from his back pocket and began taking notes.

“God has a great amount of power. He is so big. He can do anything!” Dan exclaimed raising his hands in the air.

“Anything?” Jake whispered to himself.

Dan preached for the next hour about this God person. He said God was the man who created this very earth, and created us to live in it. Jake couldn’t wait to tell his parents about God.

Jake glanced at his watch, and it read at exactly 7:56. Jake was supposed to be home at 8:00 sharp. He jumped on his bike and sped away. His house was about 1 mile out of Chester, so it took him about 10 minutes to get home, but at the speed he was going, Jake could’ve swore he got there in less than 5 minutes. He jumped off the bike and darted to the house. He got to the door, swung it open and ran inside. He tried to be sneaky, He didn’t want his parents to know he had come in late. He completely forgot about the door making a ruckus every time it closed. He raced to door to try to stop it from making the noise.

“Jake is that you?” his father had asked from the living room. Jake was so exhausted from the ride home, he could barely speak.

“Yes, dad,” he said panting.

“Where in the hell have you been, Jake? You were supposed to be home 5 minutes ago.” His father was really strict about being home on time. He wanted to say he was just outside for a bit, but he couldn’t stand lying to his father.

“I was at a church,” Jake said looking down at his shoes.

“A church? Why were you at this church?” his father asked him with and eyebrow raised.

“Well, I was listening to this guy talk about God,” Jake explained innocently.

“My gosh Jake! There is no God. People just say that so they can have something to believe in. Now go upstairs and finish your homework.”

Jake ran to his room and went to his bed. He laid there, thinking. His dad was usually right about stuff. Maybe there was no God. Maybe Dan was full of himself and didn’t know what he was talking about. He listened to a complete stranger and believed it. His dad was right, there was no God.

“Jake! Dinner is ready!” his mom called from downstairs.

He headed downstairs at the pace of a gazelle. He was so caught up in all this God stuff he almost forgot about his stomach. He sat down and as soon as he was about to attack the food, his mom smacked his hand.

“Not until everyone is seated,” she said as she was putting the food on the table. He looked around and everyone was seated, except his sister, Jaime, who was still upstairs in her room.

“Jake, go upstairs and get your sister,” his mom ordered from across the table.

Jake rushed upstairs and headed towards Jamie’s room. Her room was all pink. She had a pink bedspread, pink lamp, and a pink chair. Her room was also a mess with toys everywhere. There was so much clutter, that you couldn’t even see the floor.

Jake hopped everywhere around the room trying not to step on anything. He finally reached Jaime, who was playing with her dolls.

“Hey, sis. It’s time for supper,” he said tapping her on the shoulder.

“Okay,” she replied.

They both headed downstairs and got seated at the dinner table. Jake and Jaime sat across from each other, and his mom and dad sat at the ends of the table like the queen and king in old medieval times.

Today’s dinner was his mom’s specialty, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and gravy, and grilled pork chops. His mom sure did make a mean batch of mashed potatoes.

Jake could finally start eating since everyone was seated.

“So are you two ready for the first day of school tomorrow?” his mother asked.

“Yes ma’am!” Jaime called out.

Jake just sat there, not knowing what to say.

“Jake? What about you? Are you ready for school tomorrow?” his mother asked eyeing him from across the table.

“Uh. Yes ma’am,” he lied when the truth was he wasn’t ready for the first day of school.

Last year, his best friend, Chase, moved away because his mom and dad got better jobs. It was a difficult time because he tried to make new friends but everyone ignored him. He hoped he would have better luck this year.

A fantastic dinner was made complete by a dessert of homemade ice cream. Jake was so stuffed after dinner, he could barely walk. His mom’s homemade ice cream was his weakness.

He cleaned up the dinner table and washed the dishes. Afterwards he went upstairs to his room.

His room wasn’t all decorated like Jaime’s room. It was more conservative. He just had off-white walls with the occasional artwork that Jaime had drawn for him on them. Jaime was quite the artist.

He grabbed his notebook and an ink pen from his desk, and then he got on his bed and began writing. Writing was Jake’s passion. He could write about absolutely anything. He always carried his notebook and his pen in case anything that came to mind, he could write down. He glanced at his watch. It read 9:27. Jake figured he’d get to bed at a decent hour. He put his notebook and pen under the mattress, turned off the lights and went to bed. Email me at to get more of the story.

Hm..... Is it good?
I though it was very good. Keep it up and don't let anyone discourage you from writing.
Reply:Very nice. I can't wait to visit your site to read the rest.
Reply:It sounds like a good story but you are using to many he's to start sentences. I didnt finish the story cause you had it too long. Too many people will be turned off by such a long Question. but i will go back and finish it later. Good job with the story line.
Reply:i gess yes, or may be no...
Reply:its good hun but ive already told you that...


List of cool stuff/things?

heres a list of some cool things. lemme know if you have anything else to add.




The Beatles

Dirt roads

Peanut butter

Glow sticks

Hot Guys

Blue skies

Carnival rides




Your mom






Perfume (the good kind)


Smooth skin



Yellow brick roads




Flavored toothpaste

Blogs (the good ones)




borders(the book store)

nail polish


pretty colors minus purple










the moon

grass (the non itchy kind)



number lock




foreign counties



Paris and Nicole



Stuff that tastes like chicken

Yelling loud

Making friends





cell phones


boxer shorts


Hold hands

Kiss in the rain



Jumping over poles

Sitting on the road

Flashing cars


Huging trees

Making people smile


Watching the sun rise

Watching the clouds roll bye

When time stops for that one moment


booma’s house


hot Hawaiians

blonde Britt’s



Babies (just cuz they’re cute not cuz were molesters)


New York



Eurotrip the movie

Blonde moments

Childhood memories


Kissing boo boos to make them feel better

Being sexy

Skinny dipping


Italian new Yorkers


Sleeping in till 3 pm



Big eyes

Black asses

Juicy apples


The world


Mr. Wagner


Bendy straws

That loud Silence you hear every once in a while







my silly *****

my fishing buddy

my kinky *****

eva del sol elgato





katie couric

harry potter

the queen of England

prince Williams




making wishes at 11:11

living the rockstar life



the smell of new partchment



Italian food

The mafia

The color yellow

The eighties

Big hair

Dane cook

Pumkin from flovor of love

Goldie from flavor of love

Spice girls




The internet

Happy endings

Best friends





Blue moons

Pot of gold

Red ballons

This one boy

Things that are sexy



The number 69


Orange juice

Lava lamps

Rainy days

List of cool stuff/things?
petrified wood, steve mcqueen movies and Mom's homemade just said "pie" which is absurd
Reply:mud slides

kissy fish faces

raspberry vanilla body wash






and gooseberries... =]
Reply:That's a lot of things! Here's some more to add to your list

My Chemical Romance


comdey movies

tofu with bbq sauce (yum)

Polls %26amp; Surveys

mix cds

rock music








new shoes







fingerless gloves

mexican food (enchilladas rock)

Hollywood Undead








Reply:You forgot my cat and dildos.
Reply:I think you got eveything, did you put love?
Reply:You forgot bats, and I totally agree on pizza.
Reply:Good Lord! I didn't see the kitchen sink in there.
Reply:Wow. Those are a lot. I dont you I have anything esle left to add

credot siosse

Outfit ideas? Please! Im Desperate!?

I have:(i did name brands so you could better tell what i was tkn bout)


hco hoodedOrange V-Neck

Orange/Blue hco t shirt

Hollister love t


blue green tan striped hco tank baby doll

blue baby doll henly hco

white hco baby doll knit

orange polka dot hco knit

polka dot tank(pink/blue/brown)

ae green henly

ae blue polka dot tank

hollister republic t

green t

pink ae v neck

brown/ cream dot baby doll tank

blue stripd hco button up

white hco cali t (w/ornge

pink/ brown dot tank

bbrown/blue dot tank

pink lace hco tank

pink ae tank

green ae tank

pink hco vneck w/ palm trees

white ae live your life t

blue and white hco t


Green hollister shorts/capris

white hco shorts

lt. denim ae shorts

dk ae denim jeans

lt. denim ae jeans

grey hco sweats

plaid pink shorts

denim hco capris


pink striped flats

yelo/ornge cnvrse

guess tennis shoes

pink flats

black flats

brown flats

pink hco flip flops

roxy flip flops white

teal hco flip flop

Outfit ideas? Please! Im Desperate!?
okkkk lets see

blue and white hco t

denim shorts or hco capris

white flip flops
Reply:wow, thats a lot of hollister....maybe you should look in other stores. you sound like youve worn it all and are sick of it because you have nothing new to try. go to a new store. try new things. when i shop i go in every store because while my style can pretty much all be purchased at hot topic, i find tops in H %26amp; M that i love, dresses in boston store that are totally me, i find shoes pretty much everywhere. mix it up a little! holister is expensive, and you can find great clothes for way less at other places. i reccomend H %26amp; M, they have a lot of variety, and its all good quality, but the prices are so low its amazing! be brave. dont be afraid to take risks with fashion. i get compliments on what i wear all the time, but when people ask where i buy stuff from, they are amazed because no two peices of clothing im wearing ever come from the same store.

so i guess my advice is dont wear any of that. go check out ALL the stores in the mall, the perfect outfit is out there, but your not gonna find it all in one store
Reply:pink ,green tank

dark denim jeans

black flats

myspace quizzes

What should i call this poem?? PLEASE HELP!!?

If you think trouble is a cat in a tree

And the worst pain of all is the sting of a bee

If you think a problem is a broken nail

If an ordeal is a letter lost in the mail

If tradgedy is you missed the bus

If an unruly rooms causes out-of-hand fuss

If a rip-off is buying overpriced shoes

Then this is going to be way more than news.

Getting sick can be more than a cough

A switch can mean more than to turn on or off

Starving may not be quite what you think

A cold glass of water may not be a drink

Sometimes our messes get a bit out of hand

And grow into issues beyond our command

What a child calls a crush may rise above

And change from, "I like you" to a thing called, "love"

Not everything is what it may seem

Be prepared for surprises when you wake from your dream


i'm 11 and this poem was inspired by my mom's close friend who has non-hopkins lymphoma

What should i call this poem?? PLEASE HELP!!?
I really liked your poem. You did a good job. I also liked either of those titles, as well.
Reply:Maybe "Meanings" or "Secrets" or a combination.

Or you can just call it "To (whatever your mom's friend's name is)

I think it's a wonderful poem. You have quite the budding talent. Please keep writing.
Reply:"Life's Dilemma". I recon....Because in your such a nice poem you have shown the life from many different but dark sides which people normally never think on or try to see untill they themselves experience it.
Reply:I don't lie to people so believe me when I say that your poem is much better than some of the college level material that I have read. You should really nuture your gift and take some creative writing and poetry classes. Name it whatever you think feels right. One thing I would do though is add the word "that" to If tradgedy is you missed the buss. I think it should read, if tragedy is that you missed the bus. Also add "just" before news in the last sentance of the first stanza. I would also add "just" to the first line in the second stanza before a cough. Sorry i just feel it would be more effectual and i think it would help it flow better. You could entitle it things are not always what they seem.

Or just simply "Reality".
Reply:IS EVERYTHING QUITE AS IT SEEMS . thats what i think you should call it. GOOD POEM well done you.x
Reply:Your revision is far better than your original, well done. Still one typo though..."tragedy", not "tradgedy" :)

Since you're telling someone that what they think is "bad" or a "tragedy" is not as bad as they think, that their health is worth more than gold, you have a few options.

One would be to call it "perspective", giving it neither a lighthearted feel nor a too somber feel...another would be to spin it light and call it "It could be worse", but since the one who inspired it was such a serious illness...well, it might be a little "too light". Another option is to take the approach that we should be "thankful" for what we have instead of stressing over life's problems.

"Be Thankful"



"It Could Be Worse"

"Not What You Thought"

just some ideas. Again...nice job on the editing.
Reply:you're 11? this is one of the 2 best poems ive seen here. i am truly amazed. Perspective.
Reply:I'm 11 too and you honestly have great talent. I wish half of my grade was deep enough to even THINK that, none the less put it into poetry. I suggest maybe, "The Unknown World, the Real World" I dunno, Because in the first paragraph its what people think the world is, and the second paragraph is the real world, that hardly anyone know about. Good luck.
Reply:Thats a real good piece of work!!

How about "reality's wake-up call"?

Your titles are pretty good too!
Reply:Great peom for someone your age... keep on writing!
Reply:That's a good poem. I hope your mom's friend is doing okay--lots of people go into remission for a long time--I hope she's one of those people.

Your ideas are good. I might also suggest "Surprises" or "Not Everything Is What It May Seem" or "When You Wake From your Dream" because those are all things you wrote near the end of your poem.
Reply:It could be worse.
Reply:Life at the End of Dreams
Reply:This is very very very good.

How about "What it Seems"
Reply:The Sting of a Bee

p.s. truly good poetry, keep at it! This is good enuf to publish.
Reply:I love your poem! you have talen girl! keep writing! as for the name....well, maybe, "When you wake from your dream" or "Not Real Problems at all"

horses for loan

Why wait until Christmas to buy your love once a gift?

you could buy a gift anytime, why wait until 11 month to buy a gift? just to put it up under a tree ,if you want him or her to have a gift buy it anytime of the year and when christmas come around give them money and let them but what they want I understand buying kids toys and clothe and shoes please tell why ao how come this day is so special that you have to wait this long to buy a gift I just don't understand

Why wait until Christmas to buy your love once a gift?
no one said you had to. it's just a traditional thing. I understand what you mean I feel the same way sometimes but it feels even more special. Christmas is about giving you're time to people and to show how much you care for them.
Reply:I take you're not familiar with traditions....and you don't have to wait to buy something for someone! Where did you come from??
Reply:you're right, but the idea of gift giving and christmas is so ingrained that no one really wants to NOT give up receiving a gift during that time when others around them are. it's sad, but since x-mas became associated with gift giving, ppl just expect to receive gifts when it happens.


What does this mean in the H-T-P test?

When they asked me to draw a person, I just started to draw a man, but the therapist asked what it was because it looked kind of girly. I just smiled and erased the eyelashes and cut his hair off LOL. It was a normal drawing, with clothes (shirt, pants, shoes, belt), it had a neck. BUT, his hands were inside his pants' pockets. What does that mean? Does this have to do with sexual orientation?

The tree was pretty normal I think, really simple...but I draw apples on it. Does it mean somehing?

The House it's too long to explain here.

Thanks! :)

What does this mean in the H-T-P test?
I thought this test went out many years ago. It is no longer used in any large psychiatric hospital or clinic I know. Do not try to read too much into it.
Reply:well I think it meens that they are shy or bashful
Reply:I find it interesting that you were asked to draw a person but drew, a person, a tree AND a house....... How do you get all three things out of "Draw a person" ??

visual arts

Are dreams fantasy or reality?

A best friend had a dream in which beings in long white robes but no faces (obscured)brought boxes (like shoe boxes) full of money continually and gave them to her. The line stretched to a pinhead (infinity). In another dream the friend stood in the backdoor and saw 3 women in garb of the 19th C(long skirt with pinafore or apron). They formed a circle. A black liquid flowed from the ground near a tree. Then it got clearer and spouted upward like a fountain. She got the impression that it was oil. Someone told her it was evil beings who were released from the ground.This friend is talented but has no car (need repairs/no money),needs food, money for basics etc) She publishes a newsletter with inspirational articles/poems/lyrics. people like her work but do not support it. She writes nature poems and about social issues. What do these dreams say? Are they about finances or saying something else that she is overlooking? She has committed her life to God but she has many questions.

Are dreams fantasy or reality?
Dreams are no different than a mere sub-species of thought. Therefore, one could ask the very same question, are thoughts fantasy or reality? Or even more interestingly, are fantasies still a kind of reality?

In my understanding dreams, if understood as an pure action of thought, are a form of reality in and of themselves. The dream may not reflect any known reality but the individual none the less experiences it.

The actual content of dreams may either be erratic cerebral discharge or the manifestations of repressed wants, desires, hopes, etc. It should also be noted that the intake of melatonin prior to a nights sleep will enhance retainable dream activity and usually produce vivid and often disturbing dream imagery.
Reply:This is a severe warning dream. Receiving gifts of money in dreams means the opposite occurring for real. Debts and loss for a long time.

There is old stuff in her life that she needs to let go of OR maybe she thought it was proper, but it is not (the women dressed in 19C garb) The oil at first being black would normally be representative of an evil, and possibly this evil is the old or proper stuff that she perceived to be right. She needs to evolve and be strong, REALLY STRONG. Why? Because the oil evolved into a fountain of clear water which indicates eventual change into goodness.

Pray for her that she may be shown direction. It's possible she may not have committed in the ways desired by God. Perhaps she needs to focus more on her commitment. Maybe she is saying the wrong things in what she writes? Maybe she is to become a nun? Whatever it is, she is going to need strength and much assistance to get thru this next phase of life.
Reply:Dreams may play on our fantasies, but there may also be a spiritual reality behind them - God or Satan. I recommend finding a Scriptural truth to support whatever impression is left by the dream, before placing any value to it.
Reply:to me she is desiring money that she does not have and so desperately needs. since she has dedicated her life to god then that could explain the garb.
Reply:dreams are the result of thing you are afraid or you desire
Reply:they are fantasy that might come true one day (right nay)
Reply:Dreams are you brain talking back to you. You can use the information however you want to. You can interpret it or not. Dreams are processing in your brain.

They are not fantasy or reality.
Reply:i'd say they are a twist of both, your dreams represent your fears, your "dreams" and take your reality and make it obscure and interesting. dreams are meant to refresh your brain while you sleep by creating a surreal world that you create...
Reply:dreams can be the mirror of our subconscious minds,troubles, fantasies but its not necessarily true..some say if a dream is bad u should tell someone about it for it not to come true..
Reply:Yep some dreams can come true Zellparis.

Dreams at night time are really important to me, so much in fact I actually have a dream book. Go to Waterstones and get a dream book for your friend, might help clear up a few things for her.
Reply:Both. You can dream about anything, fantasy and reality. They dont mean anything other than you may have had a really long day.
Reply:I have found that when it comes to dream interpretation, the dreamer is the best to figure it out. Since most dreams are the minds way of trying to resolve subconscious issues, each thing in a dream such as this holds a specific meaning for her. I would recommend that she write down the dream in detail and then read thru it. With it written down it is easier to dissect it and determine what each item or sequence means to her.

Personally, I disagree with the oil=evil beings. That may be what someone else thinks of when they see oil, but ya know...come on...what would have happened if the Beverly Hillbillies ran the other direction? Seriously though, she needs to search for the answer within herself. It was her dream, after all, not any one elses.
Reply:i think dreams are real
Reply:I would say dreams are fantasy because I have no dreams!
Reply:they are subconciously both
Reply:There is a book by Jane Hamon called Dreams and Visions. Very good resource.

There are several types of dream. There are pizza dreams, wierd dreams you dream after eating bad food before bedtime. There are spirutal dreams and there are nightmares. How to distinguish? A spiritual dream will be vivid and include color (most people dream in black and white), include feeling (physical and emotional) and can even include smells and sounds.

Not everyone has spiritual dreams. The Bible recounts several people who were dreamers. They had dreams about things before they would happen or to direct their paths. Check out Joseph (book or Genesis) and Daniel (book of Daniel) in the old Testament. In the New Testament, read the book of Acts. Peter had dreams that helped him lead the church.

Your friend should pray about the dreams she has had and focus on what God is trying to communicate to her.
Reply:Dreams are fantasy, but are often affected by reality and may have some reflection in real life.


To all religious and non-religious?

I've been doing a lot of study into space, time, and life as we know it. I've got lots of questions and fewer answers, for instance, the Bible.....What the ****?? If there is a God and the Bible is true, then why is it that God had to make all of his statements during the "Biblical Times"?? I mean, for instance, parting the seas, the 10 Commandments, turning water into wine, Noah's Ark, the Virgin Mary, Being resurrected, etc. Weren't the people who witnessed all of this technically cheating?? I mean, a story is told, some people witness this, and then what? We are to believe mortals that wrote stuff down in a book some thousands of years ago? Then this day and age comes around and all we get is that the Virgin Mary is trying to prove her existence on a half eaten piece of grilled cheese?? Where's the ******* parting of the seas, or the dead coming alive, or it raining for 40 days and 40 nights for us?? Tell me this, if I was to tell you that God had told me a whole new set of rules for this day and age, listed in a whole new text of commandments, how quickly would I be thrown into a straight jacket and tossed into a padded room?? Think about it, why can one person believe all of the almost inhuman stories of the Bible, but not believe in magick, or magicians, or even ghosts? After all, was there not a Spirit and Holy Ghost mentioned in the Bible as the creator of all? If God created us all equal, then why do some in the early years of life, already get cancer, or are mentally handicapped, or suffer from other diseases? If you ask me, just me being able to walk, already makes me less equal to someone stuck in a wheelchair! I'm not saying I'm a better person, BUT, I do have more capabilities than them, it's not fair, and for the children that die young, most would say, "Well they're going to Heaven" WHY?? Because they didn't have enough time to sever one of the commandments?? So if I live to be 100 years old, with many chances of possibly discouraging one of these "carved in stone" rules, and I end up, lets say, not honoring thy neighbor for instance, I go to Hell?? But a child gets to go to Heaven because he really hasn't had a chance to see the "Ugly" in the world? That's not quite fair to those who were blessed with this long life, witnessing Greed, Anger, Hate, Blasphemy, 10,000 different religions, and fights between who is wrong or right, War, Theft, Poverty, Bankruptcy, Bigotry, Disease, Murder, Illness, Loneliness, Evil, Rape, Incest, Pedophiles, Corruption, Mind Control, Government, Power Hunger, Arthritis, Anxiety, Stress, Unemployment and Exhaustion! If Heaven is the ultimate in happiness, and God is so perfect, why, when he says we are all equal, did he not make us all live to the same age and make us ALL equal? Therefore, the "Big Test" would fit all categories! What about all the other beliefs? What about Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Wiccan’s, Islam’s, Catholics, Christians, Protestants, etc. Who is right? Are all the wrong ones going to Hell?? I wouldn't exactly say that's right, and YES, I will be the one to stand forth in front of God, and ask him all of this, if, in fact, he really does exist. For a God who says, "Don't question me, for I am your Lord" made one GIGANTIC Boo-boo, he made us one of the most curious, and "Having to know" life forms known to man, for an entity so perfect as described in the Bible, how could he make such a mistake? Now lets go back to a human, which of course, are the ones who wrote the Bible by only hearing what was to be put into it. If I told you that I was a magician, but my only power was to turn an egg into a living bird, and I said, "Don't question me, for I am a magician" everyone would laugh and try their damnest to find the answer to how I did this!! WOW! I turned an egg into a living creature!! But then, you look into a giant book considered non-fiction, or true, and read about Moses parting the seas, Noah building an ark so ******* big is can hold two of every living thing, about how it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, about Jesus getting nailed to a cross and then died and then got resurrected, about Sodom and Gomorrah and the pillar of salt that was once a woman who got to curious and looked back at the burning city, you will read this and say, "Wow, this must have happened, because it's based on real places in the world!!" THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!! According to all religions, what is written in their book of worship, really happened, but I'd hate to break it to you all, either one of those things happened, or NONE OF IT happened, because if they all happened, then we would have over 100 Gods and Goddesses, the Wiccan’s and Greeks alone have numerous Gods and Goddesses, and yet again, they have their stories, did it ever make you wonder if some people, just like today, just felt like sitting down and writing the "Ultimate Story" and just used things that they witnessed with a little added feature of their own imaginations to make the story better? For instance, Sodom and Gomorrah, we had a city, built of rock, the Bible describes this city as the burning city, "Fire falling from the skies" to rid the area of incest, rape, etc. Did you know that the cities were built on top of one of the many troubling tectonic plates beneath the surface of the Earth, did you know that when these plates hit just right, or get unstuck from one another an Earthquake is normally the result of this? It's also proven that pockets of gases are released when a strong enough Earthquake hits, and well an Earthquake hitting these cities, plus a release of gases coming in contact with a torch that may be lit in the city, would cause buildings to crash, explosions so enormous that burning objects would fly up into the sky and come crashing back down onto the city, and cause the death of many people. For others looking on, it would seem as if fire is falling from the Heavens, and therefore, it's written down and documented. it's things like these that people will be so quick to say, "There is a God, and Jesus Christ is my savior" all because a book says so! Well there were also other documentations made during these days, Serpents, Dragons, Monsters of the Seas, Aliens, etc. So why have we found skeletal remains of creatures that lived some millions and millions of years ago, but there are no remains of a Serpent or dragon that was documented during the Biblical times? Why do we only find the cities the Bible talks about, or bones of ancient Egyptians that were mentioned in there? It's easy to be mentioned in a book if you were known to a lot of people, and a city is even easier to document, if King Tut was so great and got a beautiful resting place with jewelry and gold laid upon him, then why didn't Jesus get something like this? Why can't we at least find his bones?? Since the Bible says it's the spirit that lives on, and we simply leave behind our shells, then Jesus also should have left behind his shell, where is it?? One of the greatest people EVER, and we don't even have a piece of clothing?? How do people claim theirs vials of Jesus' Blood? If his whole body disappeared spiritually, then his blood too, would have vanished right? Noah’s Ark, some claim they found wood way up in the mountains that could have very well been Noah's Ark.....Well that's awesome, but why did we only hear about it for a day, and then nothing?? I sit here, I watch the news endlessly, just waiting for these ground breaking stories to emerge, to help me believe, to prove that there is something beyond life, beyond the galaxy and even beyond the universe, but yet, nothing. Not a damn thing! Wouldn't something like Noah's Ark be a little more fascinating than a whole days worth of news?? Damn man, an 18 year old has sex with a 15 year old, and we hear about both people in depth, when their cases are, how they are convicted, the only thing missing is their shoe size! It goes on for days, sometimes weeks!! But Noah's Ark only gets a DAY??!!! Well, IF they did find this wood up there, high in the mountains, it could have also been from the lands crushing together in time, after all, most of the largest mountains are nothing more than two huge bodies of land crushing into each other with such immense force, that the only way the land has to go, is up! That would be the reasons they found fossils at the highest peaks of the mountains that belong to sea life, because that land that reaches to the heavens was once underwater, DEEP underwater! So if you think about it, a boat that has sunk a long long time ago, could very well end up at the tops of these mountains! On another note, if our galaxy is just a speck, among millions and millions of other galaxies, who's to say there is not life in some of them? If there is, then why did God decide to plant Jesus in one of our people? Are the rest of the worlds stuck in life of blindness? I wouldn't say it's quite fair to them that we got the only cheat sheet to existence after life, and do they Go to Hell because they don't know the possible truth? Could you even imagine, if there is life on other planets, the amount of OTHER religions there are on just one of those planets?? And once again, whose to say they don't have their own bible that's possibly ONLY dedicated to cannibalism because their God said that it's the right thing to do, and who witnessed all of those sayings from their God? The Mayan's on Earth believed that the Gods or God fed off of the blood of sacrifice, hardly something we would believe is true in this day and age, but surely they had some sort of reason to believe this, who witnessed that this was the right thing to do? Why was it the right thing to do if it was in fact true? Why did the blood not rise up to the Heaven's when the sacrifices took place and why did the Mayan's not question this and see that the only place it went was through the open pores of the planet representing that technically Hell was engulfing the dead remnants? Everywhere from the Mayan's to the Christians to the Indians, someone, somewhere supposedly witnessed something of great power, and every one of them wrote it down, and whoever came after was told these stories, all the way up to this day and age, now we are stuck, stuck with many different stories from many different regions, and all of them have a different tale to tell, some believe in one Almighty, while many others believe in many that share the same decisions of fate. So how does one person tell another that they are wrong? Are they that self minded that no one else can have an opinion of their own? If I believe in Pro-choice, and someone else believes in Pro-life, who are they to tell me I am wrong, and who am I to tell them I am right? If killing a baby is bad, then why is it ok to kill a human in war?? Because they are going to kill us if we don't kill them?? Well according to the Bible, Killing is killing whether it's done for duty, profit or fun! So who is anyone to say one person is right and one person is wrong, this planet has grown up on many things, one is killing, in the old years, it was done for power over all, at one time, it was the main source to keep certain nationalities strong, to live on as the King or Queen of whatever, for wealth and to become Gods of everyone else. Today, countries will say they are doing it for protection, but just like the Bible, we only believe what we are told, could it be that our Government is really just using our people to fight in these wars because they are simply nervous of another country becoming a little more powerful than us?? I would say it's very possible, but yet, we need to kill other innocent people to keep this rank? Well if we are the most powerful, and everyone under us is less powerful, I don't really see the less powerful people really bitching about it, the only ones having a tantrum is their governments, but the normal people, like the majority of us, seem to be living their lives just fine! Now obviously people like Osama Bin Laden gave our government a reason to attack, BUT, they say they attacked us first due to what their God told them to do! We laugh in his face and would feed him a bullet if we could, but think just for a second at what we are laughing at as we pull that trigger, we are laughing at a person who claims that his God told him to do this, isn't this kind of the same thing as laughing at the human voice reading off the Ten Commandments, or the story passed on to others that they better follow onto an ark because a great flood is about to happen? I mean in the Bible, God sacrificed His ONLY SON!!! So technically, what is so insane about a God telling someone else to kill multiple people that don't agree with his faith? If you can have your own son sacrificed, you can have anyone sacrificed. And don't say that it was done for the forgiveness of our sins, why be so difficult? If Jesus died for our sins, and it cost God his ONLY son to do this, and then we are born into sin anyway, why didn't God just make it simple?? HE IS GOD AFTER ALL! He didn't have to do all that, he could have had his son grow on and get old and live happy and simply snap his fingers and say, "And with this snap of my fingers I say, LET THERE BE FORGIVENESS FOR SIN" and POOF it happens! Why be so complex? Because he can?? Didn't he complete this already when he created the universe? Did he really have to get so specific and in depth that he pin pointed our little speck of dust we call Earth and add more to the pot of confusion? I don't think so, but I am just like anyone else, born with questions that burn so fierce that with every year that ages me also adds a little more fuel to my need for an answer. I'm not a scientist, and I surely would not jump right to evolution, after all, if evolution is real and we never stop evolving, then why are there not half monkey half men running around, why are there monkeys and then there are humans? Shouldn't every cycle be bumping into each other, or did the monkeys just decide some million years ago that they wanted to stop evolving, and then told the humans that were already evolved that they were on their own? Why is it that the oldest human being that has been found, is still pretty damn close to what we look like today? I may be wrong with that analogy, but damn it, at least I'm poking a stick at it, rather than walking around blind in my existence with two words and ONLY two words sitting in my head, "What if"!! I need to know, and I will either find out, or go insane trying. I can understand why Albert Einstein went nuts, I'm sure he overloaded his mind, for a mind so great as his, to somehow come up with the correct equation that Energy is in fact equal to mass times the speed of light and then multiplied again by the speed of light, is so outstandingly awesome, that it would be understandable that he was overloading, and then there's me, surely no Einstein, with all of this in my head, more confusion than anything, but yet knowledgeable to be able to question "why" it would be understandable that I too, someday, will break. All of us have one major thing in common, Hope. Hope that our faith IS right, that there is something beyond, why can't we all just look up in the skies, the stars, the Heavens and simply just say, I believe in A God, not a certain one, but simply, THE ONE? The sad thing is, there are more things unraveling faith and proving that the Big Bang was true, than there are proving the Bible correct, if God wants us to know he exists, as so badly as he did in Biblical times, I think he might want to maybe show his face more than in just a set of clouds that I can also see a bunny rabbit, or a dragon, or a flower in, maybe the Virgin Mary, would like to show herself on more than a half chewed piece of grilled cheese sandwich, or on a reflecting window that got a little dirty, maybe Jesus would like to show himself more on something else rather than a piece of wood cut from a tree, or in a sun spot in a persons poorly developed film, maybe it's about time someone, or something, just simply says, "I exist, look at me, hear me, love me, for I am your creator, and I will lead you to eternal bliss."

These are all my own words, through nature, happiness, sadness, loss of loved ones, wealth, poverty and confusion, life itself has inspired me to write these words, I do not think any ONE religion is wrong and I will never tell someone that my beliefs are right, maybe other people should start respecting everyone else in their faiths as well.

To all religious and non-religious?
Amazing...I read the whole thing, and I have to agree with you, though I'm not quite sure what to say. You've basically said what's on everybody's minds, but to proud to say it. The christians deny the absence of god, the atheists deny the existence of god, and everybody denies the other being right. I guess we're all stuck in denial then.
Reply:Just go back through your original; I see that you have many questions, but do this a bit a time. Start with about 3 or 4 questions and I will respond. BTW, certain books are going to come out before long that will explain all about that hocus-pocus stuff. Report It

Reply:contact me for discussions on this at " Report It

Reply:Sometimes it is the simple miracles that give you the strength to keep believing in a God we can't see but can definitely feel. Report It

Reply:I've read most of this and I think you are right, we have a lot of similar thoughts. It's not as much of a question as a reflection of your thoughts at the time. Religion is a matter of personal opinion. People have the right to believe what they want. If you as a Christian this I've found many times they say it's because we have "faith".. yeah... People should respect everyone and every ones faith but sadly people are too brainwashed and ignorant.

And I did not notice a sentence where he insulted "God." He merely has legitimate questions and thoughts. What kind of belief is it if you can't question it? If it is true it will have great supporting evidence.
Reply:Wow talk about long. I cant believe I just read all of that. You had some great points there! Many people are not as opened as you were.
Reply:Is there a question in there? I see "Were the people who witnessed this cheating?" No, they weren't cheating.
Reply:I'm sure there MUST be a question in there someplace but ... sorry you used up too much of my time to get a better answer... I only allot a specific amount of time to each question and after reading your question there is no time left to think about an answer...

Joseph Smith WAS tarred and feathered for being called as a Prophet...

For the rest.. you should read the Bible, ponder what you think it means, and PRAY to KNOW if your meaning is correct...

God still talks to his Prophet today.
Reply:I can't answer all that but check it out: and

To answer a few God is still talking to people everyday but not with a loud thundering voice all the time like he used to because when he did that to the Hebrews they were terrified of him. He doesn't want us to fear him in that way, but he wants us to draw close to him and love him. He does all kinds of miracles all the time. A man close to where I live has a picture of a huge cloud shaped just like a man with a beard and everything wearing robes with his hand stretched out keeping a tree from falling on his house! (

Please check out all the different parts of these websites and I promise if you read them with an open mind you'll find just about all the answers to your questions!
Reply:Maybe you need to start looking into Bible prophecy. There are alot of things that already have come true that the Bible said eould. but you have to read alot about it and find some shows on tv about it so you can understand it better. I believe because I have faith and the prophesies really made my faith stronger. For instance it says in the Bible that in the end times we are going to have lots of knowledge, for me that would be the internet, or that we will have to have the number of the beast to buy or sell, that probably be the chips that they implant under your skin with all your info on it, or how the Jews will be persecuted until jesus comes back, they have beeb and continue to be. Or how alot of countries are going to come against Israe in the last days well Russia, Turkey and some other ones are already making plans for this and it says their names right in the Bible, They arent the exact names, but their location and name in the Bible coincides with where Russia and Turkey are now. Just things like these will help you understand prophesy if you read books about it and watch shows.
Reply:one question at a time, man.

About the eqaulity question. You might notice a man in a wheel chair, a woman with a handicapped hand or any other thing which makes us different from one another, but there's one way in this universe in which all men are created equal - and that is in the face of justice or judgement. For example in any honorable place of justice, your color does not matter, you handicappness is not heeded, nor does your lack of ability pardoned. In the face of justice or in a court all men are judged equally, they are not looked upon with a sneer because they are illitrates, but they are pardoned like any other person would. Also in the face of God all men are created aqual, for example Saul was a terrible persecuter, but God saved him despite his sins, Moses wasn't a smooth talker and had commited murder but God chose him without hesitation to lead the Isralites out of Egypt. He views the poor as he views the rich, He views the sinful as He views the saved, He loves all of them with equality.

Also it is not force to accept the words of the bible. You can choose to believe it and obey it or reject it. The bible has changed over the years therefore some of the information are not always accurate. Also it is faith- an unbelievable amount of faith, that makes people believe in Jesus. Some come to believe "mortals who lived thousands of years ago" through miracles. They have seen the hands of the Lord in their lives, they have been healed from a terrible disease or they have the insight to do so. When God made us he gave each and every one us a will- to reject or accept. But beware the luxuries road and questions would not lead you anywhere. You need faith, which can be granted through prayer. The power to accept with credubilty.

Also everything done in this world has a punishment or a reward. The punishment is hell after death. No one escapes a bad deed eventually it'll be brought to justice. If a child goes to heaven when it's born because it didn't get to see the ugly in the world or to fight it, the child deserves to go to heaven. It was deprived of the good things she/he could have gotten on Earth, further more it was whipped away by death which would bring sorrow to the baby's relatives. the relatives would feel better knowing that despite the tragedy their child is not suffering.

The rest will be answered later. I'm gonna read that.
Reply:wooow i couldnt really read all what u wrote

but can i ask u ..about what do u believe??

me my self i believe in one god the god who made us all

(allah) and jesus is a prophet (pbah) and also mohammad

and 4 the bibble it has been changed ...nothing is right

or make any sense in it...thats my believe!!
Reply:I'm gonna save this for the next time I need reading material for a good long s***
Reply:Are we supposed to read all this????

Come on man you could at least have made a drawing!!!
Reply:you seem very angry..i think you should calm down shuga.
Reply:Omg, I read MOST of your question, but I couldn't make it through the whole thing.

Here's what I have to say:

Firstly, in the Old Testament, there comes a time when God says He will no longer talk to us as he did Noah, and stuff. So that is why these things don't happen today.

Secondly, God does not HAVE to show his face to make us believe...that is what FAITH is.

Thirdly, This may not be very Christian of me, but I like to think that all or (most) religions are right. I don't think it matters so much following each specific rule that was set for us as long as we follow the rules we set for ourselves. If Muslims believe what they believe, they must follow it. Same goes for Buddhists, Christians, Jews, etc. The Bible is open to interpretation, and I think that's why. And it says that we will be judged based on how we judge others. So if we are forgiving, then God will forgive us. (obviously, not all religions believe in the Bible, but most have some text they follow).

Btw, if we break one commandment, or all of them, we are not necessarily going to Hell, because that is why Jesus came and died for us.

I also think that even if the Bible wasn't true, and God didn't exist, there is still valuable information to follow. All that it wants is for us to love each other. To treat others as we would want to be treated. Is that so hard? Is that wrong? So even without God it would be a good rule to follow. If we all did that, there would be no pain or suffering and the world would be at peace.

And something you must not know...there are many many religions out there, and yet they ALL have similar stories...I'll take an example off the top of my head...Christians believe in Adam and Eve and Eve ate the apple so then they were punished. In mythology (Greek/Roman) Pandora opened the box, and all that remained was hope. There is more to the stories than that, but they are similar. Pandora was the first woman, made as a gift to a man, maybe Prometheus? I dunno. Anyway, many religions have a similar story to Adam and Eve. So at the very least, it makes me think that there is SOME truth out there, some higher power, and I choose to believe its God, but other people could see it differently.

Oh, and God gave us Free Will!!! That answers many of your comments. He wanted us to come to Him on our own; He didn't want to MAKE us love Him. Haven't you seen Bruce Almighty? He couldn't force his woman to love him, she had to love him on her own, and that's how it is with God. What joy would it bring Him to know we only loved Him because He made us? Wouldn't it be more fulfilling to have us love Him on our own?

And Osama Bin Laden is using Islam as an excuse; he's hiding behind religion. I am not Muslim, but I have studied a little Islam, and Jihad or whatever is not what Osama made it to be. His god does not believe in killing us, or whatever, he is just using it as an excuse, and I think that most Muslims would agree that what he said isn't the truth of Islam.

At least you are showing interest...I think thoughts similar to these all the time...but mostly like "Who created God?" "Is it really forever?" etc. I went through a phase in my life where I questioned religion and I came to Christianity on my own. I was almost a Druid! There are some very interesting theories in Druidry. However, at some point, I just KNEW. And at least I can say I came to it on my own rather than just believing what I was told to believe. Books really helped out and you should really read "Bless Me, Ultima" by Rudolfo Anaya. It changed me. It is about all the different religions and I really think it would provide insight to your rambling thoughts. At the conclusion of that book, I had decided that each person has their own religion, because no matter what religion we belong to, we are not going to agree with every aspect of it. And I also thought that there is no "wrong" answer.
Reply:Ok that's way too long to read, sorry!
Reply:This is soo ******** unfair!!

Why do you get to post such long questions but Yahoo won't let me!?
Reply:Don't listen to the ones whining that its too long. (wah!) I have an attention span larger than a garden snail, I read your whole rant, and I liked it! I understand your frustration, and the one piece of advice I have for you is that you're definitely not cut out to be a xtian. That religion requires - no demands, blind faith. Once you hit a certain IQ level blind faith just isn't possible. This is the crux of your whole problem, but it doesn't mean you should stop seeking.

I have a book recommendation for you if you're interested. The title is "Taking The Quantum Leap" the author is Fred Alan Wolfe. You can find it on Amazon. I think you're more than sufficiently intelligent to both read and understand its implications. It recommends no specific religion, but shows how science is slowly coming to the conclusion that there is more here than meets the eye.

I'm also a seeker. Good luck to you.
Reply:Dude, you should look into Yahoo 360, because that's where this sort of long-winded rant belongs. This site is for questions and answers. What's your question?
Reply:Its a good thing to have thoughts on the Bible. But this question could take all night. Way too much info. Perhaps you could trim this down so the common folk could say a word or two.

I Cr 13;8a

Christianity isn't the only religion, you know.

Have you studied the Qur'an?

And just so you know, most of the "muslims" who consider Osama bin Laden a Muslim are there with him in his cave.




Reply:Really Long!!!!
Reply:*gasp*I'm sorry but it is too long too read. I almost would have read it. But by skimming through it sounds like you are insulting christians. And even worse,IT SOUNDS LIKE U R INSULTING GOD TOO!!!!!!!!!!!

tisk tisk tisk!

shame shame shame!
Reply:um yeah to long
Reply:Exactly!!!!!!!!! I normally don't read long posts like this, but I couldn't stop reading.
Reply:All religion is based on faith. To understand religion one must define faith: Faith is an ability. It's the ability to believe something without the need of a rational reason. All of your points are reasonable. But they are coming up against the impenetrable wall of faith. In other words you are engaged in

"An exercise in futility" !
Reply:Yea, to long. Isn't gonna happen bud.
Reply:I read it and this is great.. I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this it's almost asking the meaning of life on a message board. I share most of the same questions you bring up. I'd like to add when Christians do try and answer some of these questions they almost always end up saying because the bible told me so. Blind faith in a book that is full of con-traditions and inaccuracies in translation the use of vague parables is dangerous at the least. If Jesus is the Shepard then the flock is truly mindless sheep. It's really not the Christians fault entirely they are force fed the dogma from childhood. I would just challenge Christians to open their eye and become educated on what they believe and what the true historical evidence is.
Reply:Theres no more room left to answer

God Bless You
Reply:Jehovah's Witnesses have the true religion. They are Christian (of course), but they are unique for their rejection of paganisms, use of God's personal name, and global preaching by every active adherent. No other religious organization can claim such purity of worship.

These facts about Jehovah's Witnesses are perhaps relevant to this question. The more one compares this Christian religion with others, the more remarkable it is shown to be.

1. Jehovah's Witnesses have no paid clergy. Yet they remain tightly organized with more than 6.5 million active Jehovah's Witness preachers (about 16 million associate themselves with the religion). Even fulltime preachers and workers at their branch offices are unpaid volunteers.

2. There is no elite class among Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the few 'anointed' among them enjoy no special privileges in their congregations on earth. An anointed person (one of those relative few with a heavenly hope) is not elevated above his fellow congregants in any way, and he may not even qualify for appointment as a simple 'deacon' or elder. There are no titles; EVERYONE is addressed as 'brother' or 'sister'.

3. No person benefits economically from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the 8 to 20 men who serve on their Governing Body receive simply room, board, medical care, and reimbursement for certain personal expenses according to the exact same provision as every other branch volunteer.

4. About a hundred men have served on Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body committee during the past 125 years or so. The vast majority of them have spent the vast majority of their adult lives volunteering for their organization's purposes, and the vast majority have died faithfully and near-pennilessly while still under their legal 'vow of poverty'.

5. Amazingly, Jehovah's Witnesses did not splinter as a sect from some other religion. Instead, a truly tiny but sincere group of bible students studied only the Scriptures to determine the will of God. Thus their religion remains absolutely independent of and not carrying the sins of Christendom's history, yet carries the authority of Christ's teachings.

6. Despite the distortions of anti-Witnesses, throughout their modern history Jehovah's Witnesses have refused to claim divine inspiration or infallibility for their teachings. They have pointed to the bible (and not any particular translation) as the only inspired infallible means of knowing God's thoughts. For over 125 years, their teachings have been presented as merely the results of sincere bible research by imperfect but godly humans.

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