Friday, July 31, 2009

I want to write a book but don't know what people like, what do you want in a book + how does this piece sound

Shoes pounded the ground as the rain hit it with all its might. Lightning crackled in the night sky as clouds thundered and rumbled mightily. Fear was in the air. Water was forming puddles, lakes and rivers. The cracks in the path opened wider as if to make the runner fall. Fences from houses looked up menacingly as they passed while weeds and unwanted grass wound their way around the feet to stop the hurry.

The surrounding area looked unfamiliar. Houses loomed up into the dark casting shadows around the street lamps. The rain was pounding on the hidden body. Water was being thrown up into the eyes of the runner making it hard to see.

Tall wet weeds were creeping up around his ankles and left unwanted seeds stuck to the wet and dirty socks, causing his legs to begin to prick and itch. They were right behind him. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, they were going to catch him. Blood was swimming in his head, his knees started to throb. Where could he go? He needed help.

Every one is inside their nice warm houses eating hot soup by the fire, not daring to go outside and be the next victims. Dogs barked in their yards at the passing noise made from their shoes as they thumped along the wet road. Cats ran down the drains as he came closer and fruit bats flew from tree to tree watching with fearful eyes hidden in the dark.

Trees reach out into the darkness trying to grab him, trying to stop him. The footsteps behind him are becoming louder and louder. A dead end, no way out, there’s no where to go. Turning around they’re screaming at him, ordering him to drop to the floor. Houses stood still all around holding their breath in anticipation.

Frantically looking around he saw a narrow alleyway opening up into the night, leading to a dark place, the reserve. He’ll be able to escape here.

Head spinning, eyes prickling with tiredness he kept going. He almost tripped in a small rabbit hole. Got to get up, got to get away.

Shadows of night time walkers jumped out at him from out of the darkness causing him change direction. A stitch cut its way across the poor boy’s stomach making it hard to breath, making it hard to run. He had to stop, but his feet wouldn’t let him.

Air refused to go into his lungs; it just went straight passed him. Slowing down he could hear them coming closer and closer.

He ran straight and hard, through a park and into an alleyway at the back which was formed by peoples back fences. It was almost pitch black in the alleyway, shadows of trees and bushes showed them selves as they hung fearlessly and with a sense of boredom watching the case continue.

I want to write a book but don't know what people like, what do you want in a book + how does this piece sound
I tend to go for fantasy or science fiction, but the general Populace prefers horror and action. The piece is excellent, by the way!
Reply:This piece is excellent, I love horror, and anything with murder mystery.

If there's a gory scene, it makes it better :).x
Reply:Well I don't know what people like but I adore fiction, and I want action mayb romance, and ur piece is I wanna know what happens to the boy...


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