Saturday, July 25, 2009

What does this very weird dream mean?

I dreamt that I was in NY state in this town called "WaterMill" mind you that I didnt even know that this place existed until I dreamt it, so I later went online to look it up if it really existed and it actually does, WaterMill is a town in Long Island..Ok so I´m here in this WaterMill town where its very beautiful, there are lots of trees, mountains, streams, lakes, ect and there is this big wooden cabin where me and a lot of other people were staying in, everything is like some sort of field trip/excursion where people from all places go there to like fish, hunt, ect. so I´m there enjoying everything and suddenly one of the guests there is pregnant and gives birth to quintuplets(5 kids) which were born very premature, so anyway I leave the cabin with my grandma, leave all the commotion going on and as we walk away I notice something is stuck in my shoes so I look down and shake off what I have on my shoe, to my surprise I notice one of the fetus is stuck on my shoe, on both my shoes

What does this very weird dream mean?
Being in a new to town you have never heard of means you will be put in an uncomfortable situation. The social relaxing atmosphere interprets to mean you will get accostomed to it.the analogy of a women being pregnant with quintuplets means something out of the ordinary is going to change you,but it wont last fort long.

this is where I go to find out what some things in dreams might mean... Without knowing anything about you other than your dream it is hard for another to interprit.... But I hope you find this site as useful as I do

Pleasant dreams

To see a fetus in your dream, symbolizes a newly developing relationship or idea in your waking life. Something creative is happening. Alternatively, you may be expressing difficulties in some situation or relationship


In general, shoes represent your approach to life. It suggests that you are well-grounded or that you are down to earth. It also represents your convictions about your beliefs. If you are changing your shoes, then it refers to your changing roles. You are taking a new approach to life. If your forget your shoes, then it suggests that you are leaving restraints behind you. You are refusing to conform to some idea or attitude.

To see old and worn shoes in your dream, signifies that through diligence and hard work, you will find success. It may also mean that you have come to grips with accepting who you are.

To see new shoes in your dream, suggests that you are overconfident in your success. Alternatively you may be on a life path that is unfamiliar to you.

To dream that you are wearing inappropriate shoes for the activity at hand, denotes that your progress and path in life will be laborious and ill-prepared. It may also indicate that you are heading in the wrong direction and need to reevaluate your goals.

To dream that you are not wearing any shoes, signifies that you have a lack of confidence in yourself and low self-assurance. You may be dealing with issues concerning your self-identity. Thus if you dream that you lose your shoes, then it suggests that you may be searching for your identity and finding/exploring who you are.

To see baby shoes in your dream, symbolizes purity, innocence, vulnerability, tenderness and the desire for love. If you are planning to have or already have a baby, then it suggests that the baby will or has grounded you. After all, with a baby to tend to, you find yourself rooted at home most of the time and not being able to go out as much.

What I would say is that you will bein a new situation,

and I agree with what was said that you will be

able to handle it well...the shoes, are choices you make...

so you may have to walk on someone's dreams...

(If you are book editor, many times you slash through

their grammar errors, the way you would "Walk ontheir

baby" as many authors think of their books as "babies"

so you may have to "walk on" some one's art...creative know...they may make you richer, or

you may have the "final control" over them...not sure...

does these two versions make any sense??)

Grandma is withyou in the dream, because sheis present in your thoguhts...either you came across something of hers,

or you miss her...and she came to keep you company...

in that perhaps you will rely on something she said,

a wise saying or some such...that she gave to you...

and now you will use this to help decide ...

not really sure...if that was helpful either...just shooting dart in darkness, afraid I don't have the informations but you have it

and can figure it out...

also in the next three nights, another dream may seem

to open the mystery and shed light on your dilemma...


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