Friday, July 31, 2009

KKK Leader??

I herd people talking about the president/owner for 'Timberland' shoe company is the head leader in the KKK... And the tree symbolizes all of the hangings that took place. Does anyone know if this is true or has anyone herd anything about this? Just for your information, Im not racist what so ever... just curious...

KKK Leader??
The answer is no

Besides two things

1. Its a publically traded stock

2. Sidney W. Swartz, Chairman who owns the most stock in the company is of jewish descent so him being KKK would be like that episode of the Chappell Show when Chappell was part of the KKK as a blind black guy :)
Reply:Ok most of you are wrong. Why would a black man be in the KKK. Dont you have to be white to be a part of the group??? LOL. Do yall not know who owns Timberland??? Yall are ignorant people. Stop listening to the rumors. That is exactly what they are.... rumors.
Reply:I just read up on it you're right about him being the president of the KKK and it is a fact that the tree is a symbol of lynching and the owner of Timberland is a racist.

And to the girl above me it is true you can even ask Maya Angelou after all she even wrote a poem about it.
Reply:I heard that to it must be true.
Reply:No that's just crap to get a rise out of people. A few years ago they were saying that the Colgate company CEO was a devil worshiper and that the drawing of a head with 5 stars around it represented the devil.
Reply:yup its true, heres one thats more ironic, the family that owns churchs chicken corp. is also kkk
Reply:No way man, try to keep that sort of erroreous rumor low cuz you could get yourself in deep trouble from those richie rich ppls
Reply:not true thats crazy

performing arts

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