Sunday, April 19, 2009

When you got in trouble by your parent what did u get beat with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?


When you got in trouble by your parent what did u get beat with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
the belt. the shoe. the hanger. the extension cord. whatever my parents could reach.
Reply:hand / belt / tree switch
Reply:hand and hairbrush.

Now I beat HER with them.
Reply:Anything that had not already been broken over my A$$

Yardstick, wooden spoon, hairbrush, curling iron, falt side of a butcher knife...

I was a slow learner!
Reply:Belt,SPIKED belt.
Reply:My dad always used his hand, and that was enough--believe me! My mom used a wooden spoon. My parents used to send us to our rooms too. I was about 20 or so when my dad said that he sent us to our rooms when he was so mad he was afraid he might actually seriously injure us. He%26#039;d leave us in there until he calmed down, and by then whatever we had done didn%26#039;t seem worth the anger. We thought we were being punished, so it all worked out in the end.
Reply:Usually a belt that left welts on my legs. Geesh and they wonder why we are such a screwed up society today, THANKS MOM AND DAD, NOTTTTT!!!!!!
Reply:None of the above. I got it with a fly swatter from time to time....and I deserved every bit of them!
Reply:metal belt
Reply:hand, on bare ***.
Reply:Wooden spoon, or if I was really bad, the big metal one. And she`d wait til I was in the bathtub so it would hurt more. But this was back in the day when parents did this and it wasnt such a big deal. It wasnt abuse or anything.

health care

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